Institute for Language Sciences Labs


Latest news on the ILS Labs.

Network-Share Maintenance (Thursday 15th of June; 06:00-08:00)

Please be aware that in the very early morning on Thursday the 15th of June, between 06:00 and 8:00 (AM) the lab’s network-shares access will be unreliable. ITS will perform maintenance and testing that will cause the ICT&Media servers to be unreachable for ~10 minutes somewhere during this time period. Update: maintenance has finished without…

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Network-Share Maintenance June 8th

Please be aware that in the early morning on Thursday the 8th of June, between 08:30 and 9:00 (AM) the lab’s network-shares access will be unreliable. Critical maintenance is required in addition to the previous maintenance (June 2nd). The shares cannot be reliably accessed during this time window. Side note: the e-mail notification subject reads…

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Button-box cutouts and labeling

Periodically we receive requests for button-box cutouts or labels. The button-box cutouts that were available on the website are outdated and instead of updating them we have decided to remove the cutouts all together. The reason is that labels or cutouts stimulate bad experiment practice. This bad practice involves making the participant look at the…

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Upgraded ILS Labs computers

The computer systems in k04 and k06 have had a major upgrade! The systems in the other (experiment) labs will be upgraded at a later point in time. The upgraded systems now feature solid-state drives which improves responsiveness and reduces start-up delay significantly. In addition, the systems now have a new installment of the GNU/Linux desktop environment. This…

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New button boxes

On Thursday 18 August, the old colorful button boxes have been replaced with the new USB Beexybox type of button box in most of the labs. The use of the new button boxes requires the latest version of Linux we installed for you: in the purple boot menu shown by the computers when starting up,…

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