Institute for Language Sciences Labs


Latest news on the ILS Labs.

It’s still us!

This morning the ILS Website has had a make over. We installed a new theme to the website, to bring the website back in line with all UU websites. But don’t worry, we changed only the appearance! All the information should still be available on the website, right where you used to find it. If…

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Building closed on Thursday and Friday

Because of Liberation day and a ‘bridge’ day the laboratory will be closed on Thursday the 5th and Friday the 6th of May. Our apologies for any inconvenience but we hope you will enjoy your freedom and the projected sunny weather!

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Corpus Gesproken Nederlands v2

The CGN contains a large selection of annotated recording of the Dutch language. The CGN has been updated to version two and has been installed in a new location. The previous and incomplete version will be removed shortly. You can read how to access the new version here.

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Lendable USB drives

Six USB drives are newly available for lending. They come in 32GB are 64GB variants and can be borrowed from room 0.09. Availability of the drives is shown in the reservation system. When transporting sensitive data we advise to use an encrypted archive format. This prevents privacy leaks and related corporal punishment. We are joking…

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Ubuntu Update

Note: the small update has now been deployed throughout the lab. A new small update has been applied to the computers in K06 and will carefully be deployed to the other systems in the course of the coming week. Below a small overview of changes: Number of boot options are reduced to three: “Windows OS…

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