Institute for Language Sciences Labs


Summer time in the lab 2024 – update June 28

palmstrandSummer is here! If you are planning to work in the lab during the summer, please take note of the following:

  • From Monday July 15 to Friday August 16, the building will have restricted opening hours:
      • Monday-Thursday 8-18h
      • Friday 8-17.30h
  • The labs will be closed August 12-16 because the UIT-dagen are unbearably noisy and make it difficult to get to Janskerkhof 13. (Strictly speaking the UIT-dagen are August 12-15, but our experience is that August 16 is usually still a bit noisy as well). No lab support will be available on these days.
  • The rest of the summer, there will be lab support in room 0.09, but we may miss a day here or there due to support staff vacations. If you absolutely need support on a certain day, check in advance via
  • The lab managers will be away for longer stretches of time in summer, so if you need Desiree or Iris, definitely check in advance when they’ll be there.
  • Running an experiment involving the adult participant database is not recommended in summer since a lot of students are simply not in Utrecht then, so recruitment is rather difficult. If you want to try anyway, please contact Iris Mulders by July 8.