Institute for Language Sciences Labs


Latest news on the ILS Labs.

EMLAR XI: Registration open!

The registration for the yearly EMLAR (Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research) conference is now open. Visit the conference website for more details.

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A new update of the ZEP starting script has been released. ILS Labs users are recommended to use this new in order to start a terminal prior to calling Zep (right-click>Save Link As…). Please replace the file with this new version. If you are running an old Zep script (version 0.x) and do…

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Website newly structured

The last few days we have done our best to upgrade the site, make it more accessible and above all give it a more intuitive flow. A few people have come to us to explain the articles new lab users have to read, were somewhat unclear and contained a lot of double information. We have…

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New Wallpaper

Some of you might have noticed that we’ve set up a new default wallpaper for the Window 7 desktop! It lists some of the default house rules and some emergency information. We hope you enjoy the new eye candy!

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