Latest news on the ILS Labs.

Experiment repository created
We’ve now added the experiment repository to our website. We’ve reviewed the old repository, made some changes and added some custom-made experiments. We hope the new structure will help you to easily find a template that is suitable for your experiment (e.g. by using the search page). If you would like your experiment to be…
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Fixation manual transferred
The manual for Fixation has been transferred from the old website to the how-to section. You can find it here. This sort-of marks the end of life of the old website: almost all content has been transferred now and will only be kept up-to-date on this new site. If you still find something’s missing, please…
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Stolen/unplugged mice/keyboards
We’ve noticed that in K.06 some of the mice and keyboards were either stolen or unplugged. Please be kindly reminded that you should never unplug lab equipment, ever, as is clearly stated in the house rules. Also know that the lab staff in 0.09 has equipment for loan if you forgot to bring your own….
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New website!
As you probably will have noticed, this is the new website for the ILS Labs. With this new site, we’re hoping that we’re able to reach two goals: a better showcase of our facilities and a clearer overview of how-tos and boilerplate experiments for our users. We’re slowly moving content from the old site to…
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