Institute for Language Sciences Labs

Building maintenance and construction work


There’s a leak in a heating pipe under the Drift that affects the heating in Janskerkhof 13. It’s being repaired, nobody knows how long that will take. Until then, it’ll gradually get colder in the lab.

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Revision in phonetics lab

We’re updating the hardware of the phonetics cabins and their outside control panels over the winter. One by one. This week, we started on Cabin 1. You can still run your experiments in all the other booths, although some stuff might stand in the way a tiny bit. Get in touch with us is this…

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Mild disruptive activities Thursday 18th

This Thursday 18th a window will be removed and replaced around 11:00. This is on the ground floor near the office of the labtechnicians, so in the lab you won’t notice it, probably. If probably isn’t good enough, you might want to plan you activities on a different moment.

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Two mildly disruptive activities in Janskerkhof 13

Tomorrow, Saturday September 8, Janskerkhof 13 will be partially open to the public for Open Monumentendag, between 10-17h. People will be able to view (with a guide) the hallway, the staircases, and the secretaries’ rooms at the entrance. On Thursday 13, Friday 14, and maybe Monday 17 September, maintenance will be performed on the lighting…

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