Institute for Language Sciences Labs

Building maintenance and construction work

Building maintenance and construction work – update February 27

There is quite a bit of (deferred) maintenance and construction work going on in Janskerkhof 13. Below is a running list of the planned maintenance/construction work.

The main purpose of this list is to enable lab support to keep track of what is scheduled when. As a general rule, the UU housing department(s) contact lab support to schedule these activities, and if it is expected that the work will be disruptive to experiments, lab support will mark the building as closed in the reservation system and the babylab reservation system for the agreed-upon time. So in principle, as long as you diligently use the reservation systems to reserve lab spaces for your experiment, you should not run into any noisy surprises as a lab user. If you do, though, please let lab support know!

Scheduled small activities:

  • Friday February 28, 10 AM: Folks will be entering the technical room opposite K.14 to design something to do with city heating. Shouldn’t be noisy.
  • Tuesday March 3, 15-22 h: cleaning of carpets in all rooms/labs and corridors. All labs have been blocked for reservations during this time period.
  • Wednesday March 4, 7-10 h: furniture, removed for cleaning carpets, will be moved back into labs/room. All labs have been blocked for reservations during this time period.
  • Monday March 16: work on air treatment system, all labs blocked for reservations (but still available for piloting). Also on this day: TLW meeloopdag lab tour from 14.45-15.45h.
  • Monday March 30: testing of fire alarm, with sound, between 7-8AM.

Scheduled major activities:

  • Replacement of the ‘hoofdverdeler’ for the city heating. Very noisy three-week project. We are trying to get this to be moved to summer break (hopefully Monday 27 July – Friday 14 August). Waiting for advice on ‘duurzaamheidsambities’.
  • MAJOR construction work and painting throughout the building. This will be a six-month project where experimenting will probably not be possible at all, probably July 2021-December 2021.