
Phishing email
Yesterday afternoon a number of people at the lab received an email stating that their account was compromised, sent by someone from ‘Utrecht University Services’. This is not a legitimate email and should be ignored. If you’ve (accidentally) clicked the link that was included in the email, we highly recommend you change your password as…
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Friday Frebruary 16th 2018 reduced labsupport
Next Friday there will only be lab support available until 15:30. So if you want help, lend equipment, etc. make sure you drop by well before 15:30 hours.
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Summer Job
During the summer from July 17th until August 18th the entrance to Janskerkhof 13(a) will be closed to the general public. Entrance is only possible for those with an XS-pass. However, the lab will have visitors/participants throughout the summer. So, therefore the university is looking for someone who wants to apply for a position as…
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Reduced lab support 20th to 24th of March
In the week of 20 to 24th of March, unfortunately lab support will be somewhat limited. We have shifted our regular schedules to fill the gaps as well as possible. So, in the entire week support is available in 0.09 except for Friday 24th in the afternoon.
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Our e-mail address was temporarily unavailable (fixed)
Update: The e-mail address labman.gw@nulluu.nl should now work as expected again. However, we may not have received all e-mails that have been sent to this address in this period of time. If you think your e-mail did not reach us, please do not hesitate to contact us again. Original message: It has come to our…
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