Latest news on the ILS Labs.

BrainVision Analyzer 2.04 installed in K.06
BrainVision Analyzer 2.04 has been installed on all machines in K.06. You can find the relase notes on the BrainProducts website.
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EEG-Lab on Dutch Tv
Dutch Vpro-Tv science program ‘Labyrint’ made an episode on Dutch & Flemish language and corpus, and had a short interview with prof. dr. Jos van Berkum, at the ILS EEG lab. It also features prof. dr. Norbert Corver. You can view the episode here, or here , or local mirror.
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Babylab on RTV Utrecht
The RTV Utrecht program Westbroek had a small item on the Babylab Utrecht last Tuesday. Henk Westbroek talked with prof. dr. Frank Wijnen about early language development. You can watch the whole episode of Westbroek here (babylab coverage starts at 2:00).
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Microwave removed from basement kitchen
We removed the microwave from the kitchen in the basement, because: The smells of hot food during the day gives a very unprofessional impression to the (parents of infant) participants in our experiments Mice and cockroaches like crumbs Computers don’t like crumbs There is a microwave in the kitchen on the ground floor that you can…
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Labs closed for Christmas
Janskerkhof 13/13A will be closed from Sunday December 22 18:00h until Saturday January 4 10:00h.
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