Institute for Language Sciences Labs


Using Sound Level Meter for ear-tip volume calibration

Last updated on 3 June 2014 by Chris

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Use the default settings for the sound level meter. Leave the normal protective tip on since it ensures correct recording; the device has been calibrated using it, the second photo below is WRONG. To attach the ear-tip channels you will need to put an adapter on the sound level meter. The pieces for this can be found in the black box that should be kept close to case of the sound level meter. Generally you need three parts (pic 2). The first two screw together, the last one is can be mounted by putting a slight force on it. Ensable the adaptor and make sure you put the first piece in unlock mode before connecting the whole upon the sound level meter. Lock the piece afterwards. Hook up the ear-tip duct (red or blue) and play the stimulus at various volumes till you reach the desired dB level. (80 dB SPL is generally acceptable.)
