Institute for Language Sciences Labs

Opening hours

Regular opening hours

The building Janskerkhof 13 is open Mondays-Thursdays from 8 to 19.30h, and Fridays from 8 till 17.30h. During these hours, the building is freely accessible to all students and participants. Use the videophone at the entrance of Janskerkhof 13A (entrance on the left side when you’re facing the building). Someone at the library reception will answer your call. Explain why you need to get into the building and they’ll buzz you in. If you run into problems, please let Iris know.

The labs in the basement are usually left locked. Consult with lab support about how to get keys to the labs. You may be directed to the library reception; to find out the opening hours of this reception desk call the phone number listed here. Always return keys promptly!


The building is closed on weekends.

Measuring participants outside regular opening hours

If it is necessary to measure a participant outside opening hours, this is possible. Here is the procedure.