The ILS Labs are located in the basement of Janskerkhof 13/13A. The floorplan below shows the locations of the ILS Labs in the basement of the building. The right-hand side is the Drift street side. The building’s main entrance at the Janskerkhof side is found above rooms K.01/K.02 (Janskerkhof 13a). You can click on a room to go to the information page of that room.
This video presents a guided tour through the ILS Labs:
K.01: Baby lab waiting room
K.02: Baby-EEG lab
K.03A: Flex lab
K.03B: Debriefing Room
K.04: Open access desks (lab PCs)
K.05: Conference room
K.06: Practicum room / AV lab
K.07: Kitchen (locked)
K.08: Experiment leader room for K.09
K.09: Baby eye-tracking lab
K.10: Phonetics lab
K.11: Baby lab
K.12: Eye-tracking lab
K.13: EEG lab
K.14: EEG lab washing room