
Labs Drift-side closed Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 December until 10 am
Due to an inspection of the outside walls of JKH13, the labs on the side of the Drift will be closed until 10 am.
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Labs re-opening (cont.)
Due to the Covid-19 situation, lab capacity and lab support is reduced. Dependent on the circumstances, we need to determine how many, and which, experiments can be performed simultaneously. René Kager, director of the ILS, takes the final decision in this. If you intend to conduct your experiment in one of the ILS Labs or…
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Christmas break 2020-2021
Around Christmas and New Year, the buildings of the Faculty of Humanities, including the ILS Labs, will be closed from 15:00 on 24 December 2020 until Sunday 3 January 2021. The staff of the lab is limited between Monday 21 December and Monday 11 January.
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CGN has moved
In an ongoing effort to fase-out our old fileserver, we have moved the CGN (Corpus Gesproken Nederlands) to the O-Drive. You can find it under O:\Research\GW\Projects\CGNv2. For information on how to access the O-Drive, please see this How-To. In addition, this page has more information on how to use the CGN.
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Labs (slowly) re-opening
We are slowly re-opening the ILS Labs at Janskerkhof 13(a). This means that the labs will not be as accessible as you might be used to for the months to come. The building at Janskerkhof 13(a) may only house up to 30% of the normal number of people. Hence, not all labs are available at…
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