Building maintenance and construction work

Noisy renovation canal walls – update September 17
The canal walls at Drift (Nobelstraat side) will be renovated from September-January. Builders will be working between 7 and 16h (occasionally until 19h). The work will consist of several stages: early September and throughout the project: materials will be brought in with small motor boats. (update: this is not audible inside the sound attenuated booths)…
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Small disturbances in the lab
July 4th: Some people from FCS will inspect the building with respect to the planned renovation of Janskerkhof 13, hence some slots have been blocked in fris so your experiment will not be disturbed half way through. July 5th: Same as July 4th. July 12th: There will be no power in the University library. This…
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March 18th Ils labs keys are digital (FTS)
The Ils labs their locks are going to be changed this Monday march 18th. The oldschool cylinders for physical keys are going to be replaced with passes that are digital. People can fetch the digital keys from the same key locker as before, but they resemble campus cards. You should hold the card before the…
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Maintenance works in August – update
On August 22 23 and 24, Hoek will isolate the pipes in K.14 and the technical rooms. They expect to not make much noise, but probably enough to make it a bad idea to run participants in K.13 or K.10. They will do this on Wednesday August 23 before 13h, and may continue the work…
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Check emergency lights
Wednesday 1 February, 8-9 am, the emergency lights will be checked in the labs. No noise expected.
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