Institute for Language Sciences Labs


Discontinuation of personal labhome folders

Dear lab user,

As a user of the ILS Labs you currently have access to a private folder on the lab network storage. You may know this folder as your private folder on the L-drive; also see ‘Labhome’ on this page:

The file server that hosts these private folders is old, and will need to be switched off soon. Your personal folder will be shut down and archived on March 8.

If you want to keep using your personal folder, it can be moved for you to a private project folder on the O-drive, with you as the only project member.

To see what data you have in your personal folder, you can follow the instructions at the bottom of this email.

Please let us know before March 8 if you want your data to be moved for you. If you do not respond to this email, we will assume that you do not use this private folder, and we will archive it.

If you have any questions, please contact

ICT en Media


How to access your private lab folder:

Option 1:
The easiest way is through, a virtual environment where you can access your university drives and campus-licensed software from your browser. When you first log in, you will be asked whether you want to install Citrix Receiver – choose yes. Go to APPS and search for “Windows Explorer”; open it, and find your labhome folder listed under the L-drive.

The Myworkplace route should work for all BA and (R)MA students, and for teaching staff. It may not work for PhD students and postdocs. If it does not work for you, you can make a VPN connection and mount your personal lab drive as a folder:

Option 2A: Windows
Follow the steps in, BUT, in step 20, choose L: as the drive letter, and paste in \\\uilots\labhome
NB: on newer Windows installations, you may get an error message telling you that you are not allowed to connect to the network drive because it uses the old, less secure SMB1-protocol. You can fix that (if you have admin rights on your computer) by following the instructions here.

Option 2B: Mac OS
Make a VPN connection: follow the steps in
Then follow the steps here, BUT, in step 2, paste in smb://