Institute for Language Sciences Labs


The Zep programming language.

Enabling grouping in a ZEP experiment

In this how-to, we will discuss how to add different groups with different stimuli for each group to an existing (basic) experiment. This guide assumes that you are familiar with latin square and other methods and thus focuses on the implementation of groups in ZEP. Furthermore, this guide only looks at the actual test items….

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Why has my button box stopped working?

The button boxes as used in the lab are in fact tiny computers themselves, which try to reason with the lab computers. Sometimes, something goes wrong in their communication and the button box thinks it can govern itself. Usually, it is enough to unplug the USB cable from both the button box and the computer,…

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Why does my audio / video stutter when I use ZEP?

If you are running an experiment and you notice certain audio or video stimuli stuttering or being played with a certain delay, then it seems as if ZEP can’t load the stimuli files fast enough. Especially for time sensitive experiments, this can be catastrophic. If this happens it is very likely that you are running…

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Head-Turn Preference Procedure

Purpose of this ZEP-based experiment is to see whether an infant participant can detect a difference between two types of auditory stimuli. The infant sits on the caregiver lap facing a wall on which a green light, an invisible speaker and a camera is mounted. On each side wall a red light (or other visual…

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