
Recording audio in the phonetics lab
Introduction The following procedure describes how to make a good quality audio recording using the equipment at the cabins in the phonetics lab (room K.10). Preparation If you’re new to the lab, read the Introduction Guide to the ILS Labs. Make sure you’re familiar with our house rules. Reserve the recording cabin of your choice…
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Recording Audio with the Lexicon Omega
The Lexicon Omega is a digital audio interface for your computer. You can connect up to two XLR microphones and/or 4 Jack cables to it, which you can all record from simultaniously. It’s relative low complexity, its sturdiness and its good audio quality make this a useful device for recording audio.
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Audio Troubleshooting and solutions in Audacity
This is a troubleshooting guide for problems you might encounter with audio recordings. The solutions make use of the audio editting program Audacity Troubleshooting The audio is not loud enough Normalize audio Loudness in seperate recordings varies too much Normalize audio Within one audio clip, sound levels fluctuate too much Compression Hard Limiter There is…
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Recording audio using a mixer board
Introduction This how-to describes how to record audio when using a microphone that is connected to your computer through a mixer board (or mixer) and which settings to use. This how-to is especially useful to read, if you have encountered problems with clipping. It is always advisable to make a test recording and see if…
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