Institute for Language Sciences Labs


Text Reading – Eye Tracking



The purpose of this experiment is to record a participant’s eye-movements while he/she is reading a short text. For each trial a text is presented on the screen. Participant’s task is to read text and optionally respond to a true/false statement about the text. Self-paced. Output: Eye-Tracking data as collected by the eye-tracker.

In this implementation multiple participant groups are defined and the pseudo randomization of the stimuli follows criteria.

Installation instructions

To run the experiment you need the Zep experiment control application. At the ILS Labs this is already installed on all systems. To install Zep at home or on your personal laptop go to this link and follow instructions there.

To install this experiment:

  1. Download the experiment from this link.
  2. Extract the .zip-file into a target folder (any location will do).
  3. This will produce an experiment folder under the target folder.
  4. Read the readme that comes with the experiment.
  5. Open the console application (under Windows click windows-terminal.bat, under Linux click and type the following command:zep reading
    In this command reading represents the name of the experiment you wish to run.


This experiment script comes with absolutely no warranty. It is your responsibility to pilot test the script and analyze the results before using the script for your research. Be sure to know what the adjustable parameters of the script mean and check whether the script presents stimuli and records responses exactly as you want it to. If necessary, ask the author of the script to explain the things you do not yet understand.