
Researcher: Running an Experiment Session in the Babylab (K.11)
Introduction This page aims to give you a step-by-step guide to running an experiment session in the Babylab. This specific description applies to the experimental set-up in room K.11, though much of this also applies to the set-up in room K.03A. Instructions on how to make video recordings in K.03A can be found here. —-…
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Recording video using OBS in the baby eye tracking lab (K09)
Before, there was only a “generic” how-to for recording with OBS in the baby (observation) lab. Since 2019, we have also implemented a video overlay recording setup for the baby eye tracking setup in k09. However, in this setup , we have (re)used a slightly different piece of hardware and a different default profile (ILS…
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Baby Lab Pre-Experiment Checklist
Power: Check to ensure the power switch to the right of the experimenters seat (extension cord on the floor) is switched on (turn off when finished). 1. CD player If you are using the headphones for the parent, power on the CD player and check the headphones to ensure the music is playing and at…
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How to (re)code videos offline in the Babylab
Introduction This page aims to give you a step-by-step description of how to recode videos that have been recorded in the Babylab. Questions? If you have any questions or comments after reading this how-to, please contact our babylab manager Desiree Capel. If you encounter problems with executing the steps in this how-to, please refer to the…
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Researcher: Designing an Experiment in the Babylab
This page is always under construction. If you find mistakes or have things to add, please send them to Labman. Introduction This page aims to give you a step-by-step guide to running your own experiment in the Babylab. Our experimental set-ups are located in room K.11 and room K.03A. Technical details about the set-up in room…
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