Institute for Language Sciences Labs

Building maintenance and construction work

Noisy renovation canal walls

The canal walls at Drift (Nobelstraat side) will be renovated from September-January. Builders will be working between 7 and 16h (occasionally until 19h). The work will consist of several stages:

  • early September and throughout the project: materials will be brought in with small motor boats. (we don’t think this will be audible inside the sound attenuated booths)
  • mid September – November: poles will be put in the water to fortify the wall’s foundation. This will involve heavy machinery, and will be noisy – quite possibly in a way that will also be audible inside the sound attenuated booths.
  • November-January: works that involve less heavy machinery – we have no idea how noisy this will be.

We are in contact with the municipality, and will update this post if we learn more details. Do check out the situation before scheduling participants (ask lab staff and go see for yourself).

For more noisy fun: Hofman will celebrate its 30-year anniversary from Thursday September 5 until Sunday September 8, from 15.30h onwards, with loud music outside.