
Absence on April 20th
Because of a staff outing, there will be no lab technical support available on the afternoon of Thursday april 20th, from 14:30 onwards. The hotline will also not be answered. Lab support will continue as normal the next day. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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Reduced labsupport
In the afternoon > 14:30 on Wednesday June 29th there will be reduced lab support as they have a social activity with Digital Humanities IT.
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No lab support today
Due to illness, there will be no lab support available today in 0.09. We’ll do respond to emails/teams.
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Reduced labsupport
Tomorrow morning (oktober 20th) there will be reduced lab support. In the morning after roughly 11:00 there will be someone available.
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Reduced lab support
Starting tomorrow (Thursday, February 27), but probably also next week, there will be limited lab support due to circumstances. The schedule until further notice: Between 9:00 and 11:00, there will be no one around at JK 13 room 009, but the hotline will (usually) be answered. From 11:00 until 17:00, there will be lab support,…
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