Cabin 5

The eye tracker in cabin 5 is recommended for reading experiments and experiments using the visual world paradigm. This is a desktop mono/binocular device sampling at 250-1000 Hz (SR Research EyeLink 1000).
Technical specs
EyeLink 1000
- Desktop eye-tracker
- Accuracy: 0.5 degrees (monocular, remote mode with target sticker) or 0.15-0.5 degrees (monocular/binocular, participant fixated with chin rest)
- Temporal resolution: 250-500Hz (remote mode with target sticker), or 250-1000 Hz (participant fixated with chin rest)
- Dark-pupil technology
- Distance of participant to the screen: 40-70 cm
- Hardware lives in DOS PC (a.k.a. EyeLink Host PC)
- Single wall booth, one door, small window in door, cooling ceiling;
Installed by Acoustair B.V., August 2006 - Reverberation time:
0.30s at 125Hz
0.25s at 250Hz
0.25s at 500Hz
0.25s at 1000Hz
0.25s at 2000Hz(measured August 2006 according to Dutch standard NEN 5077:1991)
- Noise reduction from room K.12 to inside cabin:
37.0dB at 125Hz
46.0dB at 250Hz
52.2dB at 500Hz
48.0dB at 1000Hz
51.3dB at 2000Hz(measured August 2006 according to Dutch standard NEN 5077:1991)
- Cabin dimensions (internal, empty): width 160 cm, depth 250 cm, height 210 cm
(cabin width defined as the width of the wall along which the subject desk is placed) - Lighting: TL5 HE, standard color 830, direct or indirect illumination of desk;
after 10 min. warm-up approx. 570 lux direct, approx. 120 lux indirect;
dimmable from approx. 65 lux (direct) to max. - Chair: medical chair Coburg Ray-O-Seat 4045 S-GC
Internal equipment
- EyeLink desktop mount with camera and illuminator (see picture on the right).
- 21,5″ LCD (TN panel) Iiyama B2283HS (native 1920 x 1080 at 60Hz, response time 2ms), dimensions visible part of the screen are 36 x 27cm
- Note: the screen will use a non-widescreen resolution (1440×1080) with black bars on the side for optimal tracking performance using the Eyelink 1000.
- keyboard, mouse, button box (3 buttons)
- Headphones Beyerdynamic DT250/80
- Microphone Sennheiser ME-64
- 2x Active speaker PreSonus Eris W4.5
External equipment
- Eye-tracker PC containing the EyeLink 1000 hardware
- 21,5″ LCD (TN panel) Iiyama B2283HS (native 1920 x 1080 at 60Hz, response time 2ms),
- Dell Precision 3640
- Intel Core i5-10500 CPU
- Windows 10 / Ubuntu 20.04
- RAM 16Gb
This cabin is part of the Eye-tracking lab.