Cabin 2

Technical specs
- Single wall booth, one door, small window in door, cooling ceiling;
Installed by Acoustair B.V., August 2006 - Reverberation time:
0.30s at 125Hz
0.25s at 250Hz
0.25s at 500Hz
0.25s at 1000Hz
0.25s at 2000Hz(measured August 2006 according to Dutch standard NEN 5077:1991) - Noise reduction from room K.10 to inside cabin:
38.8dB at 125Hz
44.2dB at 250Hz
51.7dB at 500Hz
50.4dB at 1000Hz
51.8dB at 2000Hz(measured August 2006 according to Dutch standard NEN 5077:1991) - Background noise level: 14.0 dB(A)
(measured August 2006 according to Dutch standard NEN 5077:1991) - Cabin dimensions (internal, empty): width 220 cm, depth 240 cm, height 210 cm
(cabin width defined as the width of the wall along which the subject desk is placed) - Lighting: TL5 HE, standard color 830, direct or indirect illumination of desk;
after 10 min. warm-up approx. 570 lux direct, approx. 120 lux indirect - Chair: regular office chair, rotate locked
Internal equipment
- 21,5″ LCD (TN panel) Iiyama E2273HDS (native 1920 x 1080 at 60Hz, response time 2ms), keyboard, mouse
- Headphones Beyerdynamic DT250/80 Ohm
- Headphones Beyerdynamic with mouthpiece DT292/80 Ohm
- Microphone Sennheiser ME-64
- 2x Active two-way speaker Genelec 1029A 80W
External equipment
- Dell Precision 3640
- Intel Core i5-10500 CPU
- 16 GB RAM
- 1 TB SSD + 1 TB SSD
- Windows 10, 64 bit + Ubuntu Mate 20.04
- audio card Asus Xonar D2
- Microphone preamplifier Symetrix 302 (channel 1 connected to ME-64, channel 2 to DT292 mic.)
- 2x Mono amplifier Marantz MA6100 (connected to both DT250 and DT292);
trimmed to produce 106 dB SPL @ 1 Khz (sine wave) on the headphones when driven by the PC sound card which is set at maximum output - Intercom Aiphone LEF-3
- Headphones on request
Before August 2020:
Internal equipment
- 21,5″ LCD (TN panel) Iiyama E2273HDS (native 1920 x 1080 at 60Hz, response time 2ms), keyboard, mouse
- Headphones Beyerdynamic DT250/80 Ohm
- Headphones Beyerdynamic with mouthpiece DT292/80 Ohm
- Microphone Sennheiser ME-64
- 2x Active two-way speaker Genelec 1029A 80W
External equipment
- HP Compaq 6300 PRO MT PC
- Intel Core i5 (3e Gen) 3470, Quad-Core at 3.2 GHz (3.6 boost).
- 21,5″ LCD (TN panel) Iiyama E2273HDS (native 1920 x 1080 at 60Hz, response time 2ms),
- Windows 7 / Ubuntu 12.04
- RAM 4Gb
- DAT recorder Tascam DA-40
- AD converter MindPrint AN/DI Pro
- Microphone preamplifier Symetrix 302 (channel 1 connected to ME-64, channel 2 to DT292 mic.)
- 2x Mono amplifier Marantz MA6100 (connected to both DT250 and DT292);
trimmed to produce 106 dB SPL @ 1 Khz (sine wave) on the headphones when driven by the PC sound card which is set at maximum output - Intercom Aiphone LEF-3
- Blackbox rgb splitter
- Headphones BeyerDynamic DT770, 2x 250Ohm
Before August 2016:
Internal equipment
- 17″ CRT Iiyama Vision Master Pro 413, keyboard, mouse, button boxes (2-Buttonbox & 4-ButtonBox)
- Headphones Beyerdynamic DT250/80 Ohm
- Headphones Beyerdynamic with mouthpiece DT292/80 Ohm
- Microphone Sennheiser ME-64
- 2x Active two-way speaker Genelec 1029A 80W
External equipment
- PC Cooler Master (CIM pc 9200L) :
- Windows XP SP3 & Ubuntu linux 12.04
- iiyama vision master pro 413 17″ monitor
- CPU Intel Core2 Quad CPU(Q9950 @ 2.83 GHz
memory 4Gb, available: 3,25 Gb
- 30 + 500 Gb HDD
- DAT recorder Tascam DA-40
- AD converter MindPrint AN/DI Pro
- Microphone preamplifier Symetrix 302 (channel 1 connected to ME-64, channel 2 to DT292 mic.)
- 2x Mono amplifier Marantz MA6100 (connected to both DT250 and DT292);
trimmed to produce 106 dB SPL @ 1 Khz (sine wave) on the headphones when driven by the PC sound card which is set at maximum output - Intercom Aiphone LEF-3
- Blackbox rgb splitter
- Headphones BeyerDynamic DT770, 2x 250Ohm
This cabin is part of the Phonetics lab.